Recomandări de filme
Ați vrea să vedeți un film pe tema minorităților și nu știți ce să vizionați? Sau doriți să produceți/ filmați/ montați un film despre care include minoritățile etnice, religioase sau sexuale? Echipa Transylvanian Moviepreneurs vine cu recomandări pentru voi!
Pentru Bootcampului de film, despre care poți să afli mai multe aici, ne-am pregătit temeinic, căutând cele mai relevante producții pe care le-am folosit ca și cercetare în cadrul activităților noastre și le-am putut aduce ca și exemplu pentru participanții noștri.
Regăsiți mai jos câte 3 exemple de filme care au ca și temă minoritățile etnice, religioase sau sexuale:
Filme care au ca temă minoritățile religioase:
1. Submission (Theo van Gogh, 2004, short film) – Dutch filmmaker Theo van Gogh and writer Ayaan Hirsi Ali teamed up for Submission, a radical short film about Islam and the abuse of Muslim women. The film quickly provoked outrage. Van Gogh was shot to death and stabbed by an extremist, and Hirsi Ali had to go into hiding shortly afterward. (Holland);
2. The Innocents (A. Fontaine, 2016) – 1945. Mathilde is a French Red Cross doctor working on a mission to help the French survivors of the German camps. While she works in Poland, she is asked for help by a nun. In her convent, several nuns got pregnant. (France/Poland);
3. După dealuri (C. Mungiu, 2012) – The friendship between two young women who grew up in the same orphanage; one has found refuge at a convent in Romania and refuses to leave with her friend, who now lives in Germany. (Romania);
Filme care au ca temă minoritățile etnice:
1. Son of Saul (L. Nemes, 2015) – A Jewish-Hungarian concentration camp prisoner sets out to give a child he mistook for his son a proper burial. (Hungary)
2. This is England (S. Meadows, 2006) – A young boy becomes friends with a gang of skinheads. Friends soon become like family, and relationships will be pushed to the very limit. (UK); 3.
3. Sami Blood (A. Kernell, 2016) – A reindeer-breeding Sámi girl who is exposed to the racism of the 1930’s at her boarding school, starts dreaming of another life. But to achieve it, she has to become someone else and break all ties with her family and culture. (Sweden);
Filme care au ca temă minoritățiile sexuale:
1. Portrait de la jeune fille en feu (C. Sciamma, 2019) – On an isolated island in Brittany at the end of the eighteenth century, a female painter is obliged to paint a wedding portrait of a young woman. (France);
2. Blue Is the Warmest Colour (A. Kechiche, 2013) – Adèle’s life is changed when she meets Emma, a young woman with blue hair, who will allow her to discover desire and to assert herself as a woman and as an adult. (France);
3. Call Me by Your Name (L. Guadagnino, 2017) – In 1980s Italy, romance blossoms between a seventeen-year-old student and the older man hired as his father’s research assistant. (Italy);
Transylvanian Moviepreneurs este un proiect de educație antreprenorială în domeniul Industriilor Creative și Culturale. Proiect finanțat prin Granturile SEE 2014-2021 în cadrul Programului RO-CULTURA