June 22, 2021

About Creative Industries – Photography & Videography

Photography and videography are the focus of the next article in the Creative Industries series, two creative and artistic branches that are constantly on the rise in the digital area. Photography has always been a well-established art, including in the Romanian space through a series of photographers relevant: Cosmin Bumbuț, Alex Gâlmeanu, Cornel Pufan, Sorin Onișor, etc. Implicitly, photography has developed, not being in direct relation with its digital support, the photographs being made in the on film, and the way of presentation was conventional, in galleries or dedicated spaces.

But videography, on the other hand, has grown rapidly in recent years, through the and YouTube in particular. From commercials, to outdoor sports, to vlogs, to travel, cooking shows, podcasts, videographers have been able to innovate, even in contexts of limited space, crew, technical equipment, delivering quality content. Instagram, YouTube and TikTok are, in Romania, highly desirable and successful platforms users.

Both photography and videography are becoming highly topical tools, especially in relation to social networks, through content creators, who in recent years have transformed these into forms of entrepreneurship. Another important aspect to mention would be a technical one, namely the transition from DSRLs to mobile phones. Smartphones have become the biggest platform for photography as 40 million photos are uploaded to Instagram every day, which is changing the way drastically changing the market for professional cameras and camcorders. In this context, including in the industry, there are some unique cases, such as Sean Baker’s films, which use mobile phone use, which does double duty – cutting production costs dramatically, but having an important conceptual role in the narrative.

Also in terms of Social Media Marketing, photography and videography are essential tools for promoting products and services, creating awareness and visibility. Both are still highly sought after by entrepreneurs who succeed in turning their passion into a real business, all the more so now that there is a diversity of expression, and customers in turn are visualising and shaping the alternative ways of promoting their own business through more challenging imaging tools.

#TransylvanianMoviePreneurs is an entrepreneurial education project in the field of Creative and Cultural Industries.