April 8, 2021

About Creative Industries – Advertising

„There is no such thing as bad publicity”. The following article of the Creative Industries series follows a broad field of analysis in a continually diversifying process, through which it operates. It is certainly a complex creative department, which on the one hand contributes to global socio-economic change, but on the other hand, it can also be a controversial tool with strong consumer persuasion. Ethics remains the essential tool in this creative area that challenges and aims to promote goods, services, products, ideas, selling them and bringing them to the attention of the consumer.

Advertising is an extremely broad area and is divided into multiple tiers depending on the direct correspondent for whom the promotion is carried out (the customer), but also the final consumer to whom it is addressed. There are various tools at your disposal to ensure that information reaches you effectively and with impact to the final consumer – through informational, positional, comparative, comparative, targeted star system (in the case of online advertising, influencers), testimonial, endorsement, institutional. There is of course also the famous negative advertising (as demonstrated by impossible), which through a series of denials and apparent anti-campaigns, manages to attract the public.

The media channel is another essential component in advertising; depending on this, advertising can be categorised into TV commercials, cinema commercials, radio commercials, layouts, billboards, banners, etc. But perhaps in the last year, more than ever, online advertising with all it entails (tools, tools, strategies) has been the most impactful medium in terms of the final consumer – especially via social networks, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter – from collaborations with influencers, to organising giveaways, endorsements and so on.
In 2019, according to monitoring conducted by “Forbes Romania”, the cumulative turnover  of the 48 creative and communication strategy agencies, reached 131.8 million euros, down from the previous year, accumulating a net profit of 8.68 million euros.

Google Adwords, SEO, Social Media Marketing, Content Marketing, Video Marketing are some of the ways in which online advertising works and is booming with even more so in the recent global context. 

#TransylvanianMoviePreneurs is an entrepreneurial education project in the field of
Creative and Cultural Industries.